One year ago today we received the news that would change our life. I remember that there was a horrible snowstorm and we were so late to get to the dr's office. The office was closed and everything because we got there so late but the dr stayed so that she could tell us that Luke had Cystic Fibrosis. It was a tough day but I would like to think that we survived this first year pretty well.
We have experienced ER visits, 5 hospital stays, 7 PICC lines (that includes 3 that were torn out), and many clinic visits. Luke is happy now though. Luke looks like any other child out on the street. I don't get the shocked looks whenever I tell people his age and it doesn't make my family and friends nervous anymore every time he breathes. It's amazing what the right diagnosis did for the little guy.
I won't say that it hasn't been a struggle. It has. It's just that we have trusted in God throughout it all and I have learned that just when you think that you can't go on, you can. God ALWAYS pulls us through. I won't say that I haven't cried and been frustrated. I have. There have been times like I feel that all I have done is cry that day because Luke is sick or he had so many treatments that day that I didn't even have time to take a shower.
It has gotten much better in the past few months and some days I feel completely 'normal' (whatever that term means). There are days that I forget that Luke has something wrong with his little body and I just go through the motions not realizing that I am saving his life while I do it.
I know that we still have many, many years ahead of us that we are going to have to fight this disease but I feel that this past year has already equipped us to do it. There will be new obstacles that we have to face and there will be new challenges that scare us and bring us back to the Master's feet to weep and pray. However, I know that just when you think it's not going to end and that you can't handle it anymore, you can. You always can.
This is not completely without rejoicing though! Yesterday we found out that our little girl doesn't have CF. What an answer to prayer! It's very odd that this came exactly a year almost to the day that we got the diagnosis about Luke. It's such an awesome God to let us know that He is still caring for us and loving us. God is good and even if she had been diagnosed with having 2 mutations (she has one and is a carrier) I would still be saying, God is good!
Tonight I watched my 3rd little guy, my 4th of 5 kiddos, *really* learned
to ride his bike. His reserved demeanor gave way to excited smiles and
budding co...
6 years ago
I love the little Luke man! Wow- has he change through the last year- year and a half! Give him kisses for me!
What a wonderful, wonderful post! God is so good, and it so obvious that you know to trust him!
That's such wonderful news. I'm so happy for you.
such sweet pictures. boy, mr. luke was a little peanut, wasn't he? enzymes are a boy's best friend, aren't they? i am glad you got such wonderful news about your daughter. our second son is also a carrier. it is funny how he knew what that meant by an early age!
your son and daughter will have a very special, unique relationship.
anyway... congrats.
That is GREAT NEWS!!! I'm so excited for you!! Praise God!! Wow our families are a lot alike...we both have a boy around the same age with CF, and will soon both have girls with no CF:)
If you are anything like me, I bet you still can't believe that she doesn't have CF:)
I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy.
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