Since Luke got his PIC line in a few weeks ago he has been constantly pulling on it and yanking it out of the bandage. Well this morning he finally had a victory! We try to make sure he doesn't mess with his PICC but since I was sleeping and he woke up without crying he had the perfect opportunity to unravel his bandage, pull on his PICC, and then successfully pull it out. I didn't know for certain if it was all the way out but whenever the nurse tried to draw blood from it it wouldn't drawback and then the fluids she was putting into just came back out onto me.
It is kinda frustrating because he only had 2 days of iv therapy left but it felt good whenever the doctor said that he didn't need to come in and they would just check it out tomorrow when he comes in for his CF checkup. I hope that this appointment goes well and I am pretty sure that it will. He hasn't been coughing that much (if you don't count his reflux cough) and he has been gaining some weight. The thing that I am concerned about is that he isn't eating very well. Today he has had only 10 ounces of formula, a yobaby, and a tub of bananas. Bananas and yogurt are 2 of his favorite things so I would have been super shocked had he not eaten them. I know that he will eat those so if all he is going to eat today is yogurt and bananas I guess I am going to go with it.
Here are some pictures of him that Dan's mom took Friday night when we went to their house.
Playing with his toys-
Getting into his toys-
Drool Baby!
Family picture, Dan isn't looking up in this one but I think that Luke looks cute :)
Tonight I watched my 3rd little guy, my 4th of 5 kiddos, *really* learned
to ride his bike. His reserved demeanor gave way to excited smiles and
budding co...
6 years ago
aww im sorry he decided to pull it out, val is notorious for pulling out IVs, i couldnt even imagine having a picc. nice that you dont have to make an extra doctor trip though. are they going to do the rest of the antibiotics a different way? you already know i think luke is adorable but i can never say it enough :)
Stinker...but a cute stinker...
they are going to be putting him on oral antibiotics now. They think it will be a little safer :)
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