Yippee! Dan and I are finally getting a day off to go and enjoy our marriage. Our anniversary is Monday and so we are going to be driving up to Madison, Wisconsin to stay in a nice hotel downtown. Oh, you ask me how we can do this with a 4 month old? My awesome, kind, loving sister(love ya Sarah) is going to be taking him for the night. Believe me, that is quite possibly one of the nicest things she could ever do because the little guy is a pain at night.
Sarah has always had it easy with her kids so now she is getting a little taste of what I deal with every day of my life. Luke doesn't like to sleep and getting him to sleep is a big chore. He fights to the death and he believes in screaming too. Sometimes he will scream for an hour till he falls asleep. We have tried everything! We have fed him right before he lays down, given him baths, given him massages, we even tried reading to him. Nothing works! He hates to sleep. Did I mention that he still wakes up every 5-6 hours?
Anyways, since we will be "Lukeless" I intend to enjoy my night. I bought a gorgeous dress and Dan is going to take me somewhere nice to eat. I love fine dining and will use any reason to go. Of course on our anniversary I expect to be taken somewhere nice. We are going to see if we can find somewhere to go after we eat but I don't really know Madison so I guess we will have ot ask around and talk to our friends that live up there.
I am so excited though! I hoep to come back and be refreshed. I will be posting pictures whenever we get back and I will share with you all the joys of being childless again( I wouldn't trade LUke for anything though).
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A Day Off
Posted by Courtnie at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
I'm Back!
So it has been awhile since I have blogged but I am back and I hope that I can keep it up for awhile.
My life has been crazy as of recently. December 14th my Grandfather passed away and that was really tough on me. I really loved him and I am going to miss in my life.
In fact, I really missed him last week because I spent almost a week in the hospital with Luke. I knew that my Grandpa would've called everyday to see how my little man was doing. Luke had RSV and we discovered that he has asthma. They can't actually say that he has asthma until he is 2 but it's what he has.
I chopped my hair! Here are some before and after pictures.
And here is a cute one of Luke in the hospital:
And lastly, Luke with his Christmas present from my mom.
I hope to be on more so look for more posts.
Posted by Courtnie at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Black Friday
My mother has always told me to NEVER go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Well, this year I decided to not heed her advice and I went to the Woodfield mall which is just a few miles from my house to find an outfit for Luke. I couldn't believe what I had to go through!
First, it took me 45 minutes to find a parking spot. It was horrible! People were honking at me and being so mean. Come on folks, it's Christmas time here. Show a little compassion, I was raised in the sticks.
Then, I get into the mall and realized that I really had to pee. I mean, it was like pregnant have to pee. So I go to the middle of the mall and just stand there waiting in line for almost 20 minutes. I was dancing the whole time. The whole reason that it took forever is because there where only 2 stalls! Who plans a mall with only 2 stalls in center court.
So, by the time that I got to actually start shopping I had already been at the mall for 1.5 hours! It was crazy. Don't get me started on how pushy all the people there where. I hope I am not mean whenever I am an old lady.
Anyways, here are some pictures from this week. I have been going picture crazy.
Luke with his shirt that he won from Happy Panda:
With Daddy's wacom pen
All ready for Christmas
being cute
Trying to turn over
Posted by Courtnie at 5:49 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My life has been just a little crazy lately and it is just now that I am getting to sit down and write a post. We are almost moved into our new place and I can't believe how much junk we own! Of course the way that we suddenly moved out of our last apartment made moving rather difficult.
Luke is officially 3 months old now! He has a youtube channel now too! It is www.youtube.com/musikchiqa. I am trying to post one video of him per day. I don't know if I can keep up with it or not but I am going to try.
I will be trying to get my memes going again but I need to have time to do that.
Posted by Courtnie at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tackle it Tuesday-moving

My tackle it Tuesday is pretty big this week! I don't know how I let the room we are staying in at my uncle's house get so bad but it is pretty horrible. Since we have been living out of our suitcase and had to bring all of our clothes over but have no dresser things are getting pretty crazy in the bedroom.
Today I am going to organize all the clothes and neatly pack them into totes or boxes. I am going to get all of Luke's baby stuff packed away too and try to organize his diapers and wipes. Since nothing has a place here it is really hard to do but I need to do it so that when we move on Saturday it will go smoother.
I am embarrassed to show this but here it is.


That is Luke's co-sleeper on the bed if you are wondering. I didn't forget to put it away that's where it actually belongs.

That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be :) Now we are all ready to move.
Posted by Courtnie at 11:37 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Baby Shower!
There's a baby shower at http://classymommy.com/ !
So this is my first time doing a baby shower but I think it looks like fun! Here are my entries.
GAME # 1
If you want your 1st pick of the prizes – let us know in your comment or blog party post how long the labor and delivery of your 1st baby took! The quickest labor and delivery will win!
My first delivery was 7 hours. My water broke at 1:30 am and I had delivered by 8:47 am. Nice and short is very sweet :) I only pushed for about 11 minutes if that goes for anything. Also, I didn't even have contractions for the first 2 hours or so. They didn't hit until I got into the car to go to the hospital. As well as that, I would've delivered about 1 hour sooner but I had to wait for the dr to show up. They thought it would take me forever so the dr stayed home in bed until I was fully dilated (which was around 6).
Me about to deliver.
Game # 2
If you want the 2nd pick of the prizes – Show us a picture of your Belly Bump –the "Best" Bump will win! You'll be posting this on your blog!
This is me 2 weeks before delivering.
The picture below is just for fun because I love it :) It was only a few days before I delivered.
Game # 3
If you want the 3rd pick of the prizes, Submit a photo of your Babies Nursery. The "Best" Nursery Photo will win. You'll be posting this on your blog too!
Our poor son has no nursery-he sleeps with me. So I guess I am not going to be posting a picture of it.
Game #4
If you want the 4th pick of the prizes, The Biggest Baby will win! This can be a comment with stats or a photo on your blog along with Stats.
I don't think my little peanut will win this one.
Luke was 7lbs 1 oz whenever he was born.
That is all there is.
That was kinda fun :)
The prizes I want are
1. Diaper cakewalk
2. Happy Panda set
3. Sling
4. Heart necklace
Posted by Courtnie at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday Feast
So here's a new thing this week. Enjoy!
Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies?
Milk Duds, Slushie, and pop
Not till like 2000. I was a little behind.
What is your first name in Pig Latin? (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!)
Main Course
Name something you are picky about.
Music, clothes, food-wow, i am picky.
Fill in the blanks: I ____ ____ yesterday and I ____ ____ today.
fed Luke-will again.
Now I am off to go pack for my weekend away with my mom and sisters.
Posted by Courtnie at 9:01 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My Hobbies
I thought that today I would do Thursday Thirteen on things that I do for a hobby/relaxation (yup, I stole it from you Sarah).
1.Play piano- I have been doing this since I was in 2nd grade and I could never not play.
2.Play the violin- Even though I am not great at the violin I love playing.
3.I enjoy all sorts of books
4.Play sports
5.Spend time with my family- this is actually 1 but I don't feel like moving all of them.
6.Hiking in nature
7.Play Final Fintasy XI-this is an online role playing game and it is quite fun to play with my husband.
8.Watch movies- I love them all, except for shoot-em-up movies that is.
9.Listen to music-especially Josh Groban and instrumental music
10.Do things with my church-I am so excited about the cookie exchange coming up :)
11.Shopping-Only if I have money though, it's not very fun when you are broke.
12.Amusement parks-I haven't been to one in awhile and I can't wait to go this next summer.
13.Vacuuming- I know that is sorta odd but I really like to vacuum, especially if I use carpet freshener.
Posted by Courtnie at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
I am sick today and so is my baby. I am not quite sure but I think that we got it from my uncle that we are living with.
Right now I feel like giving in and crying with my little son. It would be so nice to just have a good long cry.
Anyways, that's enough moaning from me. I am going to go take a shower and try to feel human again.
Posted by Courtnie at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I am on several forums and I always see these cool pictures in the peoples signatures. So last night I asked my hubby to help me make one for myself in Photoshop (he's a graphic designer so he is pretty good at this sorta thing) and here's what I came up with.
I am pretty proud of it because hubby was distracted so I mainly did it all on my own.
I think I am going to make another one today :)
sorry it's a little cropped off. I can't make it any smaller or it won't look right on my siggy.
Posted by Courtnie at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ever since I got pregnant there has been one thing that I wanted and today I finally got it! I kept putting off ordering one on the internet because they are sooo expensive. Well, today while I was casually perusing the items at Target I found this on sale- originally $40 I got it for $10. How awesome is that?!
Here is my great find-
I don't know if I am using it right but I really hope so! I have to go watch my instructional dvd now.
Here's my little guy before he went into the sling-
Posted by Courtnie at 2:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Baby Shower
Luke had his baby shower last Saturday and it went really well. My mom and my sisters did a great job putting it all together. I can't wait to put pictures up but I need one of my sisters to email me some of the pictures because I only got one :(
I received many great things from all the people there and I really enjoyed getting to see people that I hadn't seen in so long. I had some cousins there that I only get to see a few times a year so that was special to me that they came.
It really hit me on Saturday that we are all growing up. I don't think that I had fully realized it till everyone was there for MY baby's shower. I have a child and have to stop acting like a little girl myself. I have so many responsibilities now and I can't shirk any of them.
In other news I took Luke to the doctor and it went really well. He got his shots (yes, I know they are considered evil in some circles) and he took them like a pro. He also was up to 8 lbs 10 oz so that was exciting for me. It seems like it took so much work just to get him to weigh that much. Now I just keep pushing food and praying that he continues to gain weight.
Posted by Courtnie at 9:58 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
2 Months Old
Today Luke turned 2 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone since I had him. Sometimes I think that I can still feel him in the womb kicking me. Gone are the days of nice nights of sound sleep and pleasant dreams. Luke doesn't like to sleep so every night is a battle to get him to lay down. Whenever I look at him sleeping or smiling though I know that it is all worth while. I love every day that I have with him.
Now starts my little picture show :)
This is Luke with his little 2 months old sign.
Luke loves looking into the mirror.
We decided to go to a forest preserve and hike. Luke enjoyed being in his baby carrier.
Mommy and Baby
Family picture
My favorite picture from today
Some pretty trees.
So ends my little photo show. I enjoyed our nice little day out.
Posted by Courtnie at 4:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
New pictures
I took these pictures today and I think that they are cute.
I put Luke on a little bit of formula now and he is doing much better. He is sleeping better and I think that he is already picking up some weight.
Posted by Courtnie at 12:55 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Crazy Times
It has been awhile since I have had the time to actually sit down and write a post. I never thought that motherhood would be so crazy! I thought that I would be the perfect little mommy with a clean house and happy child.
Wow, I was wrong. My baby doesn't get a bath everyday because it is such a hassle to get everything ready because every time that I put him down he starts screaming. He then screams afterwards because I have to clean it up. The only way I am able to pick up is to have him strapped to me in a baby carrier. Oh and when I cook he is strapped onto me the whole time I do that.
My baby was a little sick this week as well. His being sick made everything a lot harder.
So I guess this week has been a series of lessons teaching me that everything goes pretty bad whenever I try to do it in my own strength. I think that I would be going insane without my prayer time every morning. I have a cute little baby though :)
This is the only way I am able to get some cleaning and laundry done.
And here is one just cause he is so sweet.
Posted by Courtnie at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Last monday I had my 6 week check-up after having Luke. I was so excited because my doctor finally ok'd me to start exercising. I had huge plans on how I was going to start. I was planning on cardio for 30 minutes and then switch to muscle building for a few moments.
What lofty dreams...
I was able to pull it off on Tuesday and Wednesday but the other days were not so hot. Thursday I was exercising and was doing really well too but just when my heart rate was going up I heard this cry coming from the bedroom. Yep, Luke had finished his long 15 mintue nap. I kept trying to exercising in between changing and feeding him but it just wasn't happening.
Friday is a whole other story. Luke had kept me up late the night before and hadn't slept for more then 1.5 hours at a time during the night. I was so wiped out that I couldn't even think about moving my muscles that much.
I hope that next week will be better. I think that I just need to get on a schedule and stick to it. I really want all this baby weight to come off.
Well, I am signing off. I hear Luke beginning to stir in the other room.
Posted by Courtnie at 2:06 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday Thirteen
I got this off of my sisters blog. I don't know if I will be able to do 13 things though.
1~I don't have a house to live in right now (we are staying with different family and friends till Oct.)
2~I am currently living with my uncle
3~I came from a family with 4 girls and 1 boy
4~I have over 70 cousins
5~Instead of College I did an apprenticeship to teach piano
6~At one point I had almost 50 piano students-I was teaching 4 days a week :0
7~ I play piano, violin, and viola
8~I am deathly afraid of worms
9~I love thunderstorms
10~I have been arrested before (it was sorta a mistake though)
11~I love politics
12~I can sing almost the entire Sound Of Music movie
13~I get grouchy when I don't eat
Posted by Courtnie at 1:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I am still trying to put up a slideshow but for now I will show you a new picture I took today. Luke is getting so big!
Posted by Courtnie at 4:28 PM 3 comments
Introducing Myself
I should probably say a little more about myself on here.
I am a SAHM to my 5 week old Luke. He was born Aug 17th and every day grows sweeter with him in our family. My husband and I got married New Years Eve 2005 and I fall more in love with him all the time.
I was homeschooled 2nd grade through 12th and I plan on homeschooling my children. I would never look down on anyone for not homeschooling but I feel that it is the best way to go. I haven't decided yet what program I am going to use (I have some time still to decide) but I am really liking HomeSat. Our Pastor uses it for his kids and the kids love it.
Our life is very interesting right now. We are living with my uncle until Oct so all of our earthly belongings are being stored. We have gotten very good at living out of our suitcases since we are going from place to place all the time.
I will have to keep you updated as we plan on moving in the next week or so.
Posted by Courtnie at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Just Starting
I am just starting to blog and I don't know how faithful I will be.
I am hoping that I will be able to keep in better contact with my family and friends by using this.
I am still setting this up so bear with me as I learn how to do this :)
Posted by Courtnie at 5:25 PM 0 comments